Thursday, June 21, 2007

Okay, so why create another blog? Simple. Because I have a message that I want to get out there. And there is an audience that I think will greatly benefit from hearing it. What is the message? That there is an enormously powerful way for honest, hard-working, intelligent people to catapult their businesses that they are just not taking advantage of. It is called "publicity."

Sure, talk to anyone and they think they know what publicity is all about. But really, the more I hear the more I realize that even the "smartest," "savviest" business people for the most part don't have a clue. Many company presidents and CEO's for example, have looked at publicity placements I have garnered for my clients and then asked, "So, how much extra will it cost me for that type of a story?"

"NO!" I want to scream.

They just don't get it. It doesn't cost ANYTHING. If it did, it wouldn't have the credibility and power of publicity. It would be an AD.

But through the years of explaining what I do to hundreds of people, it has become obvious to me that most of them just do not understand publicity, how powerful it can be, and its role in the marketing mix.

Hence, this blog.

My posts will concentrate on discussing just how people like me get major stories on their clients (and how you can, too) and how those stories often turn small businesses into, well, not-so-small businesses.

"The pen is mightier than the sword." Surely truer words have never been spoken. But what the media -- wielders of this mighty pen -- don't want to admit is that the majority of their "news" is fed to them by people like me. People they pretend to dispise. That's right, folks. The media gets most of its news from PR people. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

So, for all of you out there who have ever wondered -- how the heck did that story get to be news? this blog is for you. And for anyone who has ever wanted to know how they can break into this mysterious world and benefit from the "power of the press," this blog is also for you.

In it, I hope to educate, entertain and, most of all, provide you with solid, time-tested strategies that you can implement immediately -- and for no cost -- to use publicity to take you to a new level of credibility, name recognition, respect and, yes, even fame, than you ever dreamed possible.

So, welcome aboard. Strap yourself in, and prepare for take-off. I hope you have an enjoyable -- and prosperous -- journey!


Diana Laverdure
a/k/a the "pr princess"

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